July 28
Another morning started with liturgy. Bishop Teodosije, Father Radivoj and one more priest served the liturgy.
We had a coffee and breakfast with all nuns. Such an experience …
Upon breakfast we went to farm in nearby Badovac, that Bishop Teodosije started only two years ago. Farm was created by donations from many groups. Good example of teamwork. Our Serbs are willing to support as well.
To me, this farm was a surprise. Positive, of course. It supports Bogoslovija in Prizren, Monastery Gracanica and the rest of produced meat is for sale.
On the farm are cows, calves, pigs, chickens and in the near future will be goats and sheep.
Interesting info is that Bishop Teodosije ranked his animals like students; preschoolers, high schoolers…
Soon, they will have professional cheese making mini factory, bread bakery, butcher …. and Bishop built the little house that he calls his residency.
And most importantly, monastery employed ten people. All food for animals is from the farm and pretty much all organic.
Almost every night, when he is in Gracanica, around 8 pm he goes to the farm, feeds and cleans after animals. This is his health club, he said.
Upon farm visit we went to monastery Sveti Dimitrije in Susica, close by to Gracanica. Mati, Dr. Irina sold us her car which we will donate to elementary school “Sveti Sava” in Paralovo. As we are leaving monastery, we learned that director of the school Milica Novicevic and school driver are waiting for us in Bostane, Novo Brdo.
This was a good example of working together, monastery, church, school.
Paralovo students come from very far distances and ask Our Serbs to help with vehicle. This vehicle was exactly what they needed. Vehicle will stay registered as property of monastery Gracanica.
In Bostane, Novo Brdo enclave, Father Stevo Mitric and family were waiting for us.
Father Stevo and family hosted us for Saint Sava last January when we brought Christmas gifts for all Novo Brdo kids.
Here, our president of Our Serbs, Mrs. Kathy Fanslow provided funds for purchase of a generator for church.
After this visit we were on the way to Monastery Draganac.
Monastery Draganac is from 14th century. Czar Lazar dedicated this monastery to his daughter Dragana.
This is the spiritual center for about 30000 Serbs in this part of Kosovo and Metohija.
In monastery Abbess Ilarion welcomed us and had a little prayer for us travelers.
And of course, had to have refreshments….and nice meaningful conversations. Nothing beats that.
On the way to Vrnjačka Banja for sleepover and visit to Z. C. “Milica” and an artist Zoran Andjelkovic in village Mrzenica.