Meet Our Esteemed Directors and Partners

Our Serbs is an organization created to help those in need. The Serbian people have been oppressed and are desperate to find ways to support their families. Contact us to learn more about Our Serbs.
Whether young or elderly, a school or an orphanage, or a specific family that needs and wants to begin a project that would make them self-sufficient...Our Serbs is committed to being there to help.
Our goal is to travel to rural areas of Serbia to let those in need know that they have not been forgotten.
With you and your help, we will accomplish this...one individual or family at a time. Please help us...help them!
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
— Maya Angelou
Our Directors

Kathy Fanslow, born in former Yugoslavia during the violence and unsettled times of World War II, is the Executive Director of Our Serbs.
Kathy's mother placed her in an orphanage for a few years so her mother could work and provide for her family. As a mother, this is a difficult decision; however, at the time, there seemed to be no other choice. Surviving through the adversity of war has great effects on soldiers and civilians alike. Kathy's compassion for her people was created during these early years.
When Kathy was 12, she and her mother immigrated to the United States. Kathy grew up and entered a life of service, showing compassion as she worked with various charities over the last 40 years. Kathy spent nearly 20 years assisting with cancer research at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, followed by five years in Hospice at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.
In 2006, something profound and life-altering occurred. Kathy was introduced to Princess Katherine from her homeland. She has partnered with Princess Katherine for 10 years providing for the needs of her native people.
Today Our Serbs is taking a different path under Kathy's leadership. They are contributing to the needs of the Serbian people by creating a support system to provide sustainable ways of living.
Kathy invites you to join her in creating this support system so other parents won't have to make those difficult decisions to divide their family in order to provide. Will you join Our Serbs?

Vesna was born in Belgrade, Serbia (former Yugoslavia) and came to the US in 1966. She is a dual citizen. For 30 years she was a textile technologist with QST Industries and after that an Assistant to the Consul General of the Republic of Serbia in Chicago, 2003-2019. Currently retired, she is an independent translator/interpreter in Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, Macedonian and English languages and a member of CHICATA organization.
Some of Vesna’s past endeavors and memberships include: Board member of Lifeline Humanitarian Organization-Chicago since 2008 and their Vice President 2010–2016; Board Member of TUTA Theater; President of her Condominium Association; Member of The International Business Club; President of the Chicago Textile Club; Board Member and Secretary of the Serbian Academic Club; Member of International Association of Clothing Designers and others.

After a visit to Serbia in 2006, it was apparent to me that much aid was needed by so many. From then on, I have been involved with nonprofits providing basic needs and assistance for children and families. Growing up in an Italian family of 6 children in the City of Chicago, I was taught early to share and help those less fortunate. I truly believe you get back more than you give when you donate your "time, treasures, or talents."

I was fortunate to be born and raised in America. I took a trip to Serbia with my Mother (Kathy Fanslow) and saw and felt the needs of the less fortunate. I've worked with a charities for the last fifteen years and will be continuing with OUR SERBS.

I came to the United States in 1969. Ever since then, I have been back and forth US and Serbia. By profession, I am a teacher of physics and chemistry, BS in Business Administration, and MBA with specialization in International Management. For over two decades, I have worked for pharmaceutical firms; Abbott Laboratories, Hospira, and Galenika.
All my life was active in the community and volunteering. In the US, I held various positions in church life, from a member at large, school coordinator to the president of Kolo.... to name a few. We returned to Serbia to be with our aging parents as well as initiating various events to help the needy in Serbia. For the past couple of years, I served as coordinator and advisor for Lifeline Chicago.
I presently reside in Belgrade, Serbia, with my husband, Zoran.

I was born in Kraljevo, grew up in Belgrade, served in the Serbian Army, moved to the United States in 2000, and now live in Chicago, where I work as a senior economist.
As a young man, I lived through harsh sanctions, hyperinflation, political instability, and despair. I saw too many people who lost hope and thought those days were over for good. Unfortunately, there is still too much hardship, sorrow, and poverty in Serbia, especially in Kosovo and Metohija.
I was taught early on that "it is more blessed to give than to receive" and saw how these words of divine wisdom do wonders. I can't wait to see more such wonders, one at a time.

It is a privilege to be part of Our Serbs, for I believe in helping people help themselves. Empowering families to work together provides them a means to do their best and take an active role in their success and survival. It creates a sense of pride and accomplishment.
It is an honor to be part of Our Serbs, and I am confident that under Kathy Fanslow’s leadership and the connections made with Versko Drustvo Staratelja and the Saborna Crkva, we will continue to help families in Greater Serbia get back on their feet and support the church and communities, locally, in the process. Working with local vendors not only helps those in need but also boosts the local economy through the purchase of local products.

My name is Sonja (Balac) Beader, and I live in Northwest Indiana. I was born in Novi Sad in Serbia and came to the United States with my family when I was five years old. I am extremely honored to be a part of an organization helping empower the less fortunate in our homeland. The ‘Our Serbs’ mission statement of ‘helping the neediest to develop and foster a better society for future generations’ personally resonated with me. Many of our own Serbs came from extreme poverty and moved on to better lives because of a compassionate helping hand. I am proud to work with an organization that strives to be that helping hand to so many in need in our homeland.”

Giving is an integral part of the Christian life. It is a joy and a Blessing to be a part of this organization to work with others to provide support and hope for those in need. I was born in Northwest Indiana and was fortunate to be raised in a great Serbian Church community. My first trip to Srbija was when I was four years old to visit my grandparents and family, and I love our Serbian people and culture. I look forward to many years of working as a part of Our Serbs to better the lives of others.

Jasminka Sarac, Director

Vera Bjelopetrovich, Director

Aleksandar Lazic, Director
NOT PICTURED: Mila Filipovic-VP of Events, Danka Milic, Nada Mlinarevic, Aleksandra Savic, Sandy Savich, Dana Boskovic Tasic
“Our partners are so important and we can accomplish a lot together. We need you to join us!”
— Kathy Fanslow

Meet Some of Our Partners...
Chicago Desavanja-Media Sponsor
Diocese of Timocka
Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
Radio Avala - Aleksandar Zigic
Saint Basil of Ostrog, Mettawa, IL 60045
VDS - Versko Drustvo Staratelja, Belgrade, Serbia
Visoki Decani Monastery and Gracanica Monastery
Belgrade Office
Francuska 31, First Floor
11000 Beograd, Serbia
If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you. We appreciate your support!