Last few days in Serbia
We visited a prospective wine museum in Velika Hoca. The city of Djakovica may lack Serbs, but it is home to one nun, Mati Joanikija, at the Monastery. We had lunch at Pecka Patrijarsija, where we encountered Father Petar Bozic from Ruma/Indija. He arrived to conduct the liturgy with Father Radivoj Panic.

The following day was a feast, The Ascension of the Lord, the Slava of Pecka Patrijarsija and Decani. Post-liturgy, we savored lunch and proceeded to Decani for enriching conversations with Monks Petar and Danilo.
Our day concluded with a visit to Mati Haritina. Father Radivoje and Djordje continued to inspect the roadwork near the monastery.
The next morning started with liturgy before we journeyed home. We intended to stop at Novi Pazar, but a fire on the food delivery truck led us to cancel. Father Radivoje kindly agreed to complete the delivery on our behalf.
The subsequent day granted us leisure. We relished the freedom to explore Belgrade, indulge in shopping, and dine at Skadarlija.
On our final day, we attended liturgy at Sveti Petar/Pavle in Topcider. Patriarch Porfirije officiated, flanked by numerous priests and Vladikas. Vladika Justin, recently returned from France, was present, as was Prince Filip and his family.