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Come Raise a Toast at Our Serbs’ Pig Roast

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Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
5701 N. Redwood Drive
Chicago, United States
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Please help us to raise money for our mission by joining us for a Pig Roast Dinner and Line Dancing Party.

Delicious Food: Enjoy a succulent pig roast with a variety of sides.
Line Dancing: Get ready to kick up your heels with some lively line dancing.
Community Spirit: A wonderful opportunity to connect with others and support a meaningful mission.

We encourage you to dress the part of western attire.

Saturday, October 5th, 2024                 6-11 PM
at Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Hall
5701 N. Redwood Drive, Chicago, IL

Live music with The White Saddle Band       www.flintcreekmusic.com/the-white-saddle-band

Adult tickets $125             Child tickets $30



October 5
6:00 pm - 11:00 pm